목요일, 8월 02, 2007


Ok Go - Here it goes again

일요일, 7월 15, 2007

I love Paris

J'ai testé Vélib aujourd'hui.
Avec un passe Navigo, effectuer un abonnement pour une semaine est plutôt simple, prendre un vélo et le rendre sont un jeu d'enfant. Le vélo en lui même roule bien, est un peu lourd, mais freine très bien. La selle est très confortable, bien qu'un revêtement type panthère aurait été d'un meilleur effet.
Aujourd'hui, nous avonc 10 000 vélos répartis dans 700 stations. A la fin de l'année, nous aurons plus de 1400 stations et 20 000 vélos ...
Vélib ne réglera pas les problèmes de transports de Paris, n'augmentera pas la fréquence des bus, ni les fera aller plus vite, ne désengorgera pas les métros lors des heures de pointes, la congestion des axes routiers, etc, etc.
Egalement, il y aura certainement un bon nombre d'accidents de Vélib, pour plein de raisons différentes comme l'irresponsabilité des cyclistes, le manque d'attention des conducteurs de voiture, le manque de véritables pistes cyclables protégées, etc, etc.
Cependant, j'ai adoré pédaler dans Paris, et avoir le choix du vélo en plus des autres moyens de transports est une belle alternative. Et puis le vélo, c'est sympa, écolo, et ça fait de belles cuisses.
Merci à la Mairie de Paris !

Montpellier 3

A Montpellier, à l'occasion du festival 'Montpellier Danse', France Culture est venu avec des journalistes et leurs micros.

Montpellier 2

Il y a aussi beaucoup de terrasses, idéales pour prendre du temps, un verre, ou un pied (le sien éventuellement).

Montpellier 1

Rue de l'Ancien Courrier à Montpellier.

J'aime bien cette ville, pour son ciel bleu, son rythme doux, et sa jeunesse.

월요일, 6월 25, 2007

On Your Mark

Il s'agit d'un clip réalisé par Myazaki himself et le studio Ghilbi en 1995.
La musique est totalement pop, mais l'animation, comme toujours, est extrêmement bien inspirée.

화요일, 6월 19, 2007

Open Course Ware

Here are some links giving you an access to high quality educational resources
In order to find many more courses: http://opencontent.org/ocwfinder/


En francais, le mot 'chaise' vient du latin 'cathedra' qui signifie 'siège'.
Il n'est pas anormal que le mot 'cathédrale' dérive du terme siège, car il s'agit du lieu de culte de la religion chrétienne, siège de l'évéché du diocèse.
Pour nos amis anglophones, il faut prononcer 'chaise' entre 'cheese' et 'cheers'.
C'est donc parfait pour l'apéro, et permet d'éviter de tomber en cas d'abus de boisson fermentée bien de chez nous.
Rigolo, non?

목요일, 6월 14, 2007

Salle Puget 3

Ces derniers temps, j'essaye de retrouver des sensations de dessin.
Alors le Mercredi soir, après le boulot, je vais au Louvre, Salle Puget, pour dessiner un peu.
J'ai dessiné ce monsieur tout nu la dernière fois.
Il y a des erreurs, des imperfections, mais on fait ce qu'on peu avec ce qu'on a.
Comme toujours.
Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir. C'est gratuit.

월요일, 6월 11, 2007


It was just a funny little thing I have done this week end.
There was a bit of ink in my pen, so I decided to use some.
Nobody was harmed in the process.
Have you noticed that nobody reported having seen UFOs for quite a long time?
UFOs were popular in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and then, nothing.
I should better brush my teeths and go to bed.

Jean Rémi Coiffeur

Here, the jokes are not easy to translate, given my poor level in english.
"Johnny-Remy HairDresser'
Specialist in hair depression, repairs a broken brushing in 1hour, revitalizes the flabby hair, manages the cray hair.

Olémin le Ti Lapin

I am so unlucky, I look stupid and have short arms.
But I don't mind, I will be anyway Master of the Universe anyway.
'Olémin' means 'Hands In The Air'.
But there is an old joke saying 'Haut les mains, peau de lapin, la maîtresse en maillot de bain'.
This is coming from childhood, and quite difficult to translate.

Gastronomie Régionale

Le retour du retour au pays

Pour l'excellent journal Beo. A titre gratuit, malheureusement.
D'ailleurs, je ne sais pas si ce dessin passera le rigoureux process de sélection du journal effectué par leur équipe remarquable.

수요일, 6월 06, 2007

Salle Puget

Salle Puget

Je pense que le Louvre va me manquer.

Line 1.5

Je trouve ce petit dessin rigolo.

화요일, 6월 05, 2007



월요일, 6월 04, 2007

Absence 3

"Le souffle est vide et accueille les êtres.
Le Tao rassemble le vide"
Lao Tzi - Tao Te Ching

Et tous ces problèmes

And all those problems that we just create ourselves

Retour au pays - 1

La grandeur implique l'extension,
L'extension induit l'éloignement,
L'éloignement implique le retour.
Lao Tzi - Tao Te Ching
Ce dessin a été réalisé pour l'excellent journal Beo. A titre gratuit, malheureusement


Apparemment, il s'agit d'une négociation de BT (Billet de Trésorerie: instrument de financement court terme). Le taux de référence (taux de swap eonia) est de 2.897%, et il faut rajouter 6 'basis points' de marge(6 bp = 0,06%).

목요일, 5월 31, 2007

Made In Rome

Une petite composition sous Photoshop-Suey.
Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir
Avez vous remarqué cet incroyable jeu de mot trop drôle?
Quel talent... Je me demande où je vais chercher tout ça.

토요일, 4월 28, 2007

WWF goes wild

La section armée de WWF

일요일, 3월 25, 2007



Des fois, je m'ennuie, alors je m'occupe avec mon crayon.
Du coup, je ne m'ennuie plus du tout.




En cette période riche de sondages, voici la première question d'un sondage sociologique.

월요일, 3월 12, 2007


D'après une encre de Leon Spillaert




월요일, 3월 05, 2007


월요일, 1월 01, 2007

Une demie Seconde // Half A Second

Currently, I am just very happy.
However, I wonder how long it is going to last

목요일, 12월 07, 2006

La Baballe au Pied

Publié dans l'excellent journal Beo (A titre gratuit, malheureusement).
Cliquez sur le dessin pour le voir de plus près.
Lower left corner:
'I wanted to spend my life wearing a short... So I decided to become a footballer...
Also, I love money ... And blonds with big breasts'
Lower right corner:
'I am blond with big breasts (which costed him a fortune) and I am a footballer's wife...
I totally assume my 'trophy-women' social status ... As long as it brings money'
I think the translation is quite bad, but I hope it is fun anyway in english (do not forget that I have absolutely no sense of humour in english)


Here is the New Sheep ... Classy, Elegant and Brand New.

화요일, 12월 05, 2006

Evolution theory

The Normal, Bell-shaped Curve

This is a nice Normal Distribution (called also Gaussian distriubtion from the great mathematician Carl Friedriech Gauss).
It has a great importance in meany fields. For example in biology, the size of full-grown animals is apporximaly lognormal , or in statistics, for the measurement of errors, in finance, for estimating the changes in variables.

Picture of the abnormal

Source: Mandelbrot, The (mis)behaviour of markets
In statistics, if we have a normally distributed population (see message above), we can assume:
- 90% of the population will fall within 1.645 standard deviation
- 95% of the population will fall within 1.96 standard deviation
- 99% of the population will fall within 2.576 standard deviation
One of the foundation of modern theory of finance is that securities prices follow a normal distribution. Looking at the graph above, we can see some standard deviations reaching 10 and even 22 standard deviation. 22 standard deviation, according to the normal distribtuion, has a 10^-50 probability to occur. Almost impossible.


Evolution is principally a probabilistic concept.

Can the least skilled survive? Is evolution fooled by randomness? There is a prevalent strain of Darwinism, called naive Darwinism, that believes that any species or member of a species that dominates at any point has been selected by evolution because they have an advantage over others. This result from a common misunderstanding of local and global optimal, mixed with an inability to get rid of the belief in the law of small numbers (overinference from small data sets).

Just put two people in a random environment, say a gambling casino for a week end. One of them will fare better than the other. A naive observer will conclude that one has a survival advantage to the other. If he is taller or has some trait that distinguishes him from the other, such trait will be identified by the naive observer as the explaination of hte difference in fitness.

Consider also the naive evolutionary thinking positing the 'optimality' of selection - The founder of sociobiology E. O. Wilson writes: 'The human brain evidently evolved to commit itself emotionally only to a small piece of geography, a limited band of kinsmen, and two or three generations in the future. To look neither far ahead nor far afield is elemental in a Darwinian sense. We are inclined to ignore any distant possibility not yet requiring examination. It is, people say, just common sense. Why do they think in this shortsighted way? 'The reason is simple: it is a harwired part of our Paelolithic heritage. For hundreds of millennia, those who worked for short-term gain within a small circle of relatives and friends lived longer and left more offsprings - even when their collective striving caused their chiefdoms and empires to crumble around them. The long view that might have saved their distant descendants required a vision and extended altruism instinctively difficult to marshal'.

See also Miller: 'Evolution has no foresight. It lacks the long-term vision of drug company management. A species can't raise venture capital to pay its bills while its research team... Each species has to stay biollogically profitable every generation, or else it goes extinct. Species always have cashflow problems that prohibit speculatice investments in their future. More to the point, every gene underlying every potential innovation has to yield higher evolutionary payoffs than competing genes, or it will disappear before the innovation evolves any further. This makes it hard to explain innovations'

Nicholas Nassim Taleb, Fooled By Randomness

수요일, 11월 15, 2006

Real Estate Market in Historical Perspective

US Home Prices, Building Costs, Population and Interest Rates, 1890-2004
Heavy solid line (left scale): real (inflation adjusted) home price index in US, 1890 = 100

Thin line (left scale): real building cost index, 1979 = 100
Thin line (right scale): US population in millions
Lowest thin line (left scale): long term interest rates
Source: Schiller, Irrational Exhuberance.
Please read this great book to understand more about the calculation methods.
In this book, Shiller draws out the psychological origins of volatility in financial markets.
Robert J. Shiller is Professor of Economics at Yale University.

Stock Market in Historical Perspective 2

Price Relative to Earnings 1881-2005

Upper Curve: Price to Earnings ratio, Jan 1881 to Jan 2005

(= real S&P Composite Index / moving average of preceding 10 years of real S&P Composite Earnigs)
Lower curve: Intereste rate; Yield of US long-term US Government bonds (nominal)

Source: Schiller, Irrational Exhuberance.
Calculations by the Author using data from S&P Statistical Service; US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Cowles and Associates (Common Stock Indexes); Warren and Pearson (Gold and Prices)

Stock Market in Historical Perspective

Stock Prices and Earnings, 1871-2005
Upper Curve: Real (inflation corrected) S&P Composite Stock Price Index from Jan 1871 to Jan 2005
Lower Curve: Real (inflation corrected) S&P Composite Earnings
Source: Schiller, Irrational Exhuberance.
Calculations by the Author using data from S&P Statistical Service; US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Cowles and Associates (Common Stock Indexes); Warren and Pearson (Gold and Prices)
This is great, you can see the Great Crack of 1929 and the crack of 1987!

일요일, 11월 12, 2006

Da Cau

목요일, 11월 09, 2006

Herbie Hancock / Watermelon Man

Herbie Hancock est le pianiste.
Je dis cela parce que certains pensent que c'est le saxophoniste, alors que le saxo est joué par Dexter Gordon. D'autres pensent que Herbie Hancock n'est pas le nom d'une personne mais le nom d'une marque de poupées (la poupée Herbie),alors qu'il s'agit d'un pianiste / compositeur.
Plus sur ce grand musicen ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbie_Hancock

If we, citizens, ...

'If we, citizens, do not support our artists, then we sacrifice our imagination in the altar of crude reality and we end up believing in nothing and having worthless dreams'.
From Yann Martel, Life of Pi
Booker Prize 2001.


The secret of what anything means to us depends on how we've connected it to all the other things we know. That's why almost always wrong to seek the 'real meaning' of anything. A thing with just one meaning has scarcely any meaning at all.
From Marvin Minsky, Society Of Mind

Verre d'eau

토요일, 10월 21, 2006

Hello Kitty Vs Kitty Pourrie

La version sale et qui send mauvais ...
The dirty and smelling version of Hello Kitty


Un ancien dessin.

carte 2

Même chose, version monochrome.
Le noir a un 'je ne sais quoi' d'absolu, c'est magique.